Catch-up care SJG Weert: ‘We can help other hospitals’ | 1Limburg

The Sint Jans Gasthuis (SJG) in Weert wants and can help other hospitals to catch up on the care waiting lists.

A hospital spokesperson informed L1 when asked.

More flexible
The SJG is now at an advanced stage of providing catch-up care after the corona crisis. “We are now even looking at how we can help other hospitals with their waiting lists. We succeeded through hard work, especially last summer, and the fact that we are more flexible as a small hospital. The waiting times for most procedures have been greatly reduced as a result. said the spokesman.

‘Previous help in Weert’
Patients who have to wait a long time at their current hospital may be able to receive help earlier in Weert. “We advise patients who have to wait a long time elsewhere to contact the care mediation department of their insurer, so that they may be helped more quickly. In Weert, especially short waiting times apply for surgical procedures, such as an inguinal hernia”, explains the spokesperson.

Because the SJG can quickly treat patients, it hopes to prevent health damage in the longer term.

Also read: Patients SJG can sleep with relatives in a couple bed
