Catalonia will have 10 new shared Mossos and Local Police stations

  • The first will open in Manresa at the beginning of 2023

Catalonia will have at the end of the legislature 10 new joint police stations of Mossos d’Esquadra and Local Police. And the first of them will be inaugurated at the beginning of 2023 in Manresa (Bages), as explained on Tuesday by the Minister of the Interior, Joan Ignacio Elena.

These police stations will be local, so that they will be located in central places in the municipalities, easily accessible to citizens. Elena has not specified which will be, in addition to Manresa, the other nine locations chosen because Interior is finishing it outlining it.

During a visit to the future joint police station in the capital of Bages, the ‘minister’ stressed that his department is committed to a security policy based on proximity and collaboration between the security forces.

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He has also underlined the importance of increasing police officers, which will be gradually incorporated in the coming years, at a rate of more than 800 per course. To begin with, of the 424 new ‘mossos’ of promotion number 28 –that of the 2020-21 academic year–, a total of 18 will go to Manresa city and the Bages region.

Elena has not specified how the rest of the agents will be distributed. She has only pointed out that it will be based on the operational needs, retirements and criminal data of each area.
