Catalonia will end May with storms and June will begin with more rain

That it rains in spring should not, a priori, be great news. But after a few months marked by the scarcity of rain, the poor state of the reservoirs and the advance of the drought, the rains of these last days have given Catalonia a breather. It is still early to take stock of the rains of this season because, according to the meteorologists, it will first be necessary to wait until the end of the month and, then, give a certain amount of time to collect and analyze the data. Yes indeed, At the moment, everything indicates that we are facing a rainy May. And according to the forecasts, if all goes according to plan it seems that we enter toward a month of june also humid.

This week, without going any further, Catalonia is registering the most important rain events of the year. In several parts of the territory, almost record numbers have even been registered. According to figures from the Servei Metereològic de Catalunya, this week in towns such as Malgrat de Mar (Maresme) almost 30 mm of rain has accumulated in just 30 minutes. In Torroella de Fluvià (Alt Empordà) almost 10 mm are added in 10 minutes. In absolute numbers, there are municipalities that have recorded spectacular rainfall accumulations. On Tuesday, for example, in the Catalan town of Artés (Bages) almost 90 mm of rain accumulated throughout the day. On Wednesday, the rainiest day of this week, in Tremp (Pallars Jussà) it reached 42.6 mm and in Sant Romà d’Abella (Pallars Jussà) it reached 38.2 mm.

In Barcelona the rains have also arrived but with much less intensity. Between Monday and Thursday morning, according to figures from the Raval meteorological station, the city added 5.7 mm of accumulated rainfall. This figure will increase throughout today, since rains are expected for practically the entire day. The State Meteorology Agency (AEMET) maintains a yellow alert activated throughout the Catalan territory by rain and storms.

“ are a very common phenomenon in spring, the strange thing is that they didn’t arrive until now”

Mar Gómez, meteorologist

“Storms are a very common phenomenon in spring, the strange thing is that they didn’t arrive until now,” explains the meteorologist mar gomez, from the platform ‘’. According to this expert, the rains recorded in recent days fall within normal patterns for this time of year. In fact, it is estimated that in cities like Barcelona in the mthat May there are usually an average of two days of storm (a figure that, roughly speaking, fits with what has happened this last week and with the forecasts for the last days of the month).

Forecast of a rainy June

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But how long will it continue to rain in Catalonia? As Gomez explains, abundant precipitation is expected on both Thursday and Friday throughout the Catalan territory. The rains will lessen throughout the weekend but, as the forecasts indicate, it is likely that they will return in a matter of days. “It seems that we enter a rainy month of june. Forecasts indicate that at least the first fortnight of the month will come with a positive rainfall anomalywhich is good news after so long without regular rain,” explains the meteorologist in an interview with this newspaper.

The forecasts for this summer also indicate that, once again, we will face some particularly warm months. According to the latest seasonal prediction from the State Meteorological Agency, between June and July higher temperatures than usual are expected in practically all of Spain. The entire Mediterranean coast, from Catalonia to Andalusia, already stands out as one of the points where thermometers are more likely to register unusually high temperatures for the time.
