Catalonia postpones the consultation of the 2030 Winter Olympics

The government has decided to postpone the query Over the 2030 Winter Olympics for the lack of agreement with Aragón in a joint candidacy. The ‘president’ of the Generalitat, Pere Aragones, had planned to sign the decree this Friday to hold the consultation on July 24. But, less than two months before the appointment with the polls, the uncertainty caused by the castling of the government of Javier Lamban has caused this postponement.

Sources from the Government have assured this newspaper that they remain willing to ask citizens about the advisability of holding the Games or not and that out of “respect” they prefer to wait, because they want “when people vote to have all the information on how will be the candidacy and now they don’t have it”.

The ‘consellera’ of Presidency, Laura Vilagra, will give more details at a press conference at 9.30. The decision is announced two days after White explain the reasons why he had interrupted the negotiations for a joint candidacy, after Aragon dropped out of the agreement that gave 54 tests on Aragonese soil and 42 in Catalonia. The president of the COE keeps the Olympic fire alive despite the fire with Aragon and will present a proposal to the IOC with whoever wants to join it, opening it to Aragonese stations, with or without the support of the president Javier Lamban.

An appearance that fueled the fire with Aragón. The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, Philip Faci, denounced “the falsehoods & rdquor; de Blanco at his press conference and described it as “serious disloyalty & rdquor ;.

Given this climate, the Generalitat has decided to postpone the consultation scheduled for July 24. The day before the 30th anniversary of Barcelona-92, two appointments had been called with the polls: one in the Alt Pirineu and Aranwhere the tests would take place, and another in the Berguedà, Solsonès and Ripollès. If the ‘no’ won in the joint vote of Alt Pirineu and Aran, the Generalitat would forget the project, while in the event that any of the other counties opposed it, it would simply be left out of the logistics.

No agreement after 10 months

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The International Olympic Committee welcomed the fact that Barcelona was once again Olympic and that the Pyrenees were hosting the first Winter Games, but 10 months after Pere Aragones send the official letter to the COE to opt for the Games there is still no agreement for the candidacy.

Thomas Bach, President of the IOC, will visit Spain on June 1, the date on which Blanco will confirm that there will be a Spanish candidacy and will ask for a little more time to close it.
