Catalonia has experienced the warmest May since there are records

Catalonia has lived the warmest May on record, according to data from the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. The highest temperature recorded in the Catalan counties in the month of May was 38.2 degrees, measured in Vinebre (Ribera de Ebro) in 2012, but last day On May 22, this value was exceeded in several sectors of the precoastal and Ponente, such as Catellbisbal (38.5°) or the Siurana reservoir (38.4°).

The Fabra Observatory in Barcelonafor example, recorded a May average temperature of 20.8°, exceeding the average temperature between 1961 and 1990 by 4.9 degrees and the previous record by more than 1 degree (19.4 degrees in 2020). The most notable heat episode of the month was the one that occurred between the days May 18 and 23.

anticyclonic ridge

The month of May began with a cyclonic configuration with general rainfall in Catalonia, but from the 4th a anticyclonic ridge was present for much of the month, inhibiting the passage of disturbances and with a high temperature as a consequence of the air mass of tropical origin that affected the Iberian Peninsula.

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The Ebro Observatory (Roquetes, Baix Ebre) has measured an average temperature of 22.0 °C, 3.8 degrees above the 1961-1990 average and 0.2 above the previous warmest May in the series (21 ,8th on May 2020).

A total of 90 of the 152 measurement points of the Automatic Meteorological Stations Network (XEMA) with more than 10 years of data recorded the highest temperature of their May series.
