Catalonia eliminates capacity and meeting restrictions but keeps nightlife closed

Catalonia approves this Tuesday the relaxation of the restrictions in force by the pandemic in a sixth wave marked by the omicron variant, which due to its much more contagious nature is beating all infection records during these two years. The Catalan severity in the prohibitions, which contrasted with the relaxation progressive that was being lived in other autonomous communities, loosen up

The Government removes capacity restrictions in restaurants, gyms and culture, which currently was 70%. A) Yes, there will be no limit in the capacity of these spaces, although the health authorities recommend that the tables not be more than 10 people. The veto of the social gatherings of more than 10 people. Changes in restrictions will apply from this friday january 28, despite the fact that, for all practical purposes, it is effective from midnight Thursday to Friday.

Face-to-face fairs and congresses

On the other hand, despite the fact that for days the Minister of Health, Josep Maria Argimon, had raised the possibility of eliminating the covid passport to access certain establishments, such as restaurants and gyms, for the time being it keeps. Users of these spaces must continue to show that they are vaccinated to access them. The report of the advisory council of health specialists is still pending, according to government sources.

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Falls off also the recommendation that the fairs and congresses be held electronically, a decision that must be read in terms of the imminent celebration of the Mobile World Congress.


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