Cat, the secrets of his language

TEverything you wanted to know about the cat and never dared to ask? It’s contained in the book All the secrets of the cat (Aboca editions) , in bookstores from October 17th. Written by a real one feline behavior expert like Sarah Brownis a vast overview of the history, biological peculiarities and social and “linguistic” interactions of our beloved cats. Scientific studies and experiments of international importance are intertwined with the author’s personal experiences, so similar to those of any “cat lover”. The result is a pleasant and indispensable read for those who have always wondered: what are you trying to tell me?

5 tips for a cat-friendly home

All the secrets of the cat in a book

It must be said that compared to dogs, who inherited their “conversation manual” from wolves, social animals, domestic cats practically started from scratch. And considering how solitary they are by nature, «the very existence of cat-human vocal communication is a miracle”, warns the author.

Here then are the basics of their grammar, from Sarah Brown’s book. She is convinced of it: “It is unlikely that, with so many things still to say, the cats will stop here.”

The meows? They are all for their masters

Feline literature began exploring the linguistic world of cats centuries ago. From meow. Which, the cats have inferred, we especially like if it is sweet and gentlelike the one used in mother cat-kittens interactions.

Newborn cats make different sounds: purring, spitting and simple “gnaulii” (mews). In addition to screaming when they are hungry, they make distress calls that vary in tone, duration and intensity depending on what has upset them.

But the gnaulii gradually reduce as the puppies grow and become more independent. The typical “meows” of adult cats are reserved almost exclusively for their interactions with humans.

From the gnaulio to the mothernese (or baby talk): this is how we talk to our cats

In fact, cats have understood that to get us to listen to them, tails and smells are not enough: they have to make noise. And they do so by resorting to those same vocalizations that, in childhood, were so effective in attracting the mother’s attention.

If the meows are used to get people’s attention, that’s fine they are likely to contain real information.

First, the emotional state of the cat. Sarah Brown gives the example of silent meowthe line that seems made especially for “hit their biped right in the heart.”

But many owners also change their tone of voice and way of speaking when addressing their cats. They address them as if they were children. Man, aware of the difficulty of making himself understood, usually tries to lower his language to the level of understanding of animals. Just as young mothers resort to that bizarre and caricatural language known as baby talk (or motherese).

The tail raising ritual

Tail The domestic cat has, depending on the breed, up to twenty-three extremely mobile vertebrae, as well as a rich set of muscles and nerves. It is a great help in maintaining balance but also excels as a means of expressing emotions.

Many times they rub each other and wrap their tails around the owner’s legs. The “ritual” of raising the tail seems linked to the transition from a solitary existence like that of the wild cat to (flexibly) social lifestyle of today’s domestic cats. The lion, which is the only other felid to have evolved a social life, also uses the tail lift. But already today the movements of a cat’s tail go far beyond this friendly greeting signal, explains Sarah Brown in her book.

Caresses and cuddles, instructions for use

Cats seem to need to reach a certain level of trust before curl up in someone’s lap: in this way, they inevitably lose control of the tactile interactionwhich many cats don’t like. Cats do best when people crouch at their level, they vocalize before interacting and do not follow or interrupt them while they rest. These are all conditions that give cats some control over their environment.

Then, the more cats and their owners are together, the more they learn from each other and, gradually, develop a stable and predictable interaction routine.

Guidelines for approaching the unknown cat

But how to start a relationship with a cat that doesn’t know us? The guidelines suggest proceeding very calmly and cautiously.

1. First, politely extend your hand giving the cat the opportunity to approach and interact, if you want to. The person should only pet the cat if it makes contact, for example by rubbing. If the cat retreats, it is best to leave it alone.

2. During caresses, if the cat stops grooming and retreats or exhibits negative body language, such as flattening the ears, fluffing the fur or wagging the tail, it is best to stop petting. Even the so-called self-groomingthat is, if the cat begins to lick itself, giving way to its toilet, it is a sign of disinterest, if not annoyance, for caresses.

3. It’s better to concentrate on the head area and keep well away from the tail.

