Castle Murder: Serry is allowed to leave prison

Castle Murder: Serry is allowed to leave prison

He is allowed to leave Bruges prison and serve the rest of his sentence at home with an ankle bracelet.

Stijn Saelens was shot dead on January 31, 2012 in his castle in Wingene, West Flanders. His father-in-law André Gyselbrecht is regarded by the investigators as the client for the murder. Pierre Serry acted as an intermediary in plotting the murder. Saelens’ body was also found two weeks after the facts near a Serry chalet in Maria-Aalter.

Lips tight together

During the researchek kept Pierre Serry tight-lipped for years. In 2016 he confessed that he was a doctor Gyselbrecht was commissioned to Saelens to get it out of the way. Finally gave Gyselbrecht during the process as well.

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