Castilla y León puts out the fire of controversy: suspended the concert of the Sierra de la Culebra

04/05/2023 at 4:40 p.m.


This decision was made upon learning of the Fangoria group’s refusal to participate, which joins those of Marlon, Naïa and Markfeel.

The Junta de Castilla y León has finally decided cancel the concert Sierra de la Culebra after setting fire to the spirits of those affected by the double fire last year in the province of Zamora that burned almost 70,000 hectares and killed four people.

The concert, announced in June of last year by Juan García-Gallardo Frings, vice president of the Board and leader of Voice in Castilla y León, was included within the package of measures committed by the Board to “revitalize” the area affected by the flames . Initially, as García-Gallardo explained, the funds raised from the charity concert were going to be allocated to those affected by the fires.

However, last Friday, March 31, the Board announced that the concert planned for the Saturday June 3 in Villardeciervos It was going to have free admission. “Solidarity resides in the fact that the residents will be able to access the concert for free,” explained García-Gallardo.

In recent days, and given the discomfort generated in the residents of the area, the drip of casualties from the groups participating in the concert has been constant after the resignation, firstly, of Markfeel from Zamora, Naïa from Valladolid and Marlon from Asturias.

Until this morning, the spokesman for the Junta de Castilla y León, Carlos Fernández Carriedo, assured that The Junta de Castilla y León did not consider changing the concert for considering that an event gratuitous of these characteristics is a motor of attraction for the region: “Whoever doesn’t want to come to Zamora, don’t come”.

However, after the latest resignation of Fangoria, one of the headliners, the Junta de Castilla y León has finally decided to cancel the concert. In a statement, the regional administration argues that the Department of Culture, Tourism and Sports “has been forced to suspend the tourist initiative that proposed holding a concert in the Zamora town of Villardeciervos next Saturday, June 3, due to the communication of the resignation by the participating groups, Fangoria, Marlon, Naïa and Markfeel”.
