Cast masks that solidify, the benefits for face and body

mminerals and active ingredients are the main elements of cast masks. Before use, they appear as fine powders. When expert beauticians mix it with water, they become a soft cream which, a few minutes after application, become solid. Why try them?

The most famous cast mask

Cast masks are increasingly popular cabin protocols, because they make the skin of the face and body actually brighter, firmer and remodeled.

To the point that Maria Galland Paris he reformulated his own iconic protocol of 1963, Méthode Mosaïque Modelling, able to immediately make the skin of the face more compact and radiant in a single session. Let’s find out with two expert beauticians what the cast masks consist of and when they are recommended.

Maria Galland Méthode Mosaïque Modelante, mold effect self-heating modeling mask

How the plaster masks work

“They work like traditional clay-based face masks. They act primarily by occlusion, creating a sort of greenhouse effect on the skin. They create a situation that favors the important other osmotic action typical of clays, That they attract impurities and superfluous liquids and, at the same time, release the moisturizing, stimulating and active ingredients draining contained in the formulas,” he explains Julia DeLorenzibeauty coach for the Atelier17 of Ovada (AL).

Katy Perry, Bar Refaeli (Instagram)

Compared to traditional clay masks, which do not change their grainy texture over time, theand cast masks become solid just like casts dothe raised impressions of wax or plaster used to duplicate the shape of an object.

«Because of their particular composition, in contact with the oxygen present in the air they solidify. This process takes place during the pose for 20/30 minutesa longer time than that recommended for clay masks formulated for the face, which generally act in 10/15 minutes».

The active ingredients are an integral part of the plaster masks and, depending on the center that offers them, they can be used in 2 ways. «The most common technique requires them to be mixed with minerals and water before useWhile in other cases they are inserted into creams or serums which are massaged on the skin before applying the pack”.

Cast masks to give firmness to the face

The mixtures of powders and the functional substances used differ according to the area involved. «The cast face masks are obtained by combining mineral powders, alginate salts (obtained from the cell walls of algae) and active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and trace elements precious to improve the functionality of tissues such as manganese, zinc, iron and gold», says Giulia De Lorenzi.

«Before applying the compound, which is carefully spread over the face and décolleté, the skin is first cleaned with cleansing milk and tonic, and then purified with an enzymatic exfoliant, which dissolves thickenings. This step is essential to perfect the absorption of the active principles contained in the cast».

«To further increase the penetration of the ingredients, during the exposure time, an infrared device that delivers heat is passed over the face. This phase is crucial to give a boost to the circulatory flow and increase cellular metabolism”.

“At the end of the session, the complexion immediately appears more compact and toned, the skin is firmer and smoother, with the uniform colour that makes wrinkles and less evident marks. To maintain the result, cycles of 6 meetings are recommended to be repeated several times during the year according to need”.

Cast masks to also tone the body

They drain stagnant liquids and improve skin firmness from the waist down. «The session always begins with the thorough cleansingfollowed by theapplication of a mix of essential oils which exercise a relaxing action», explains Nicole Fiori, body beauty coach at Atelier17 in Ovada (AL).

Facial care: five bad habits that age the skin

The body cast masks are obtained by mixing the mineral powders with functional substances. “They are used pure active ingredients with a draining and toning action such as extracts of ivy, ginseng and hops. In some cases, silica powders are inserted which give rise to a series of chemical reactions that alternate heat with cold».

After applying the compound, the zones are wrapped in a sheet of cartene to enhance the penetration of active agents. «Since the first session i stagnant liquids in the tissues are drained, While the skin is more taut and smooth, deprived of the wrinkles typical of dull skin. The recommended sessions to maintain the results are always established on a case-by-case basis».

