Cassano and the quarrel with Spalletti: “I sent him to that town, he put me out of the pink”

Spalletti-Cassano dispute: the background told by the former striker

During his career, Antonio Cassano he has had many squabbles and complicated relationships with both teammates and some coaches. Just the former Italian striker, he released some statements telling a background on a fight with Luciano Spalletti at the time of Rome.

Here are the statements of Antonio Cassano about his quarrel with Luciano Spalletti:

“We used to have loud music in the gym before training, at one point I turned up the volume again, which for me was always going to triple. Spalletti arrived and told me to get down, but I got up. Totti And Montella they provoked me.

When Spallettihe got angry, I yelled at him: “You are not training Udinese blowjobs“. It put me out pink! P.oi, later I got a tip that I had taken away the role of vice-captain before a friendly, I sent him to that country and I went away in the van“.
