Cases of flu, covid and bronchiolitis grow in Catalonia and mark the beginning of winter waves

Cases of flu, covid-19 and the virus that causes bronchiolitis in children (RSV) they have uploaded in Catalonia in the last week. According to the Information System for Infection Surveillance (SIVIC), although transmission levels are still low, the upward trend of the three viruses, especially influenza and RSV, with a higher incidence in those under 45 years of age , indicate the beginning of the autumn and winter epidemic waves.

In the week of November 13 to 19, they have been diagnosed 3,501 covid cases in primary care, compared to 2,909 from the previous week. The cases detected remain below any of the previous seasons in the same period of the year. There are 342 patients admitted to hospitals with covid, 28 more than the previous week, and 10 people in the ICU, four more.

Cases of flu diagnosed in primary care are somewhat higher than the previous season, with 3,144 (2,354 last year, in the same week).

As for the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), have been diagnosed 680 cases in primary care, of which 330 in children under one year of age and 245 in children from 12 to 24 months. The last bronchiolitis season was very tough and exceptional and, during this period of the year, 1,610 cases had been diagnosed.

From Salut, they remember that vaccination is the best way for all risk groups to protect themselves against these seasonal viruses, typical of autumn and winter. These groups include those over 60 years of age, pregnant women or people with chronic health problems and other risk conditions, as well as health and social health professionals and critical essential services. Vaccination is accessible throughout Catalonia by making an appointment at Mi Salud, or at the CAP.

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Vaccination coverage against covid for people over 80 years of age is 48% and 33% for the 70-79 year-old group, while protection against flu in these age groups is somewhat higher, with 55%. % and 40%, respectively.

For the first time, an immunization campaign has begun for babies up to six months old to protect them from RSV. It is also the first year in which children between six months and 5 years old and smokers can be vaccinated during the flu campaign.
