Casarin: “Var had to dispel the doubt about Pulisic”

The former referee on Radio Anch’io on the unclear episode in the area: “We need to check whether the situations of each pitch where the VAR is installed is capable of resolving the problems”

“VAR is now indispensable throughout the world, but I ask myself: is it an adequate technology to discover what the referee was unable to see? Otherwise we have a useless thing. We need to check whether the situations of each pitch where the VAR is installed Var is capable of solving problems.” Word of Paolo Casarin, former referee, on Radio Anch’io Sport on Rai Radio 1, on the Pulisic episode in Genoa-Milan with the doubt of a touch of the Milan player’s arm. “Pulisic was surrounded by Genoa defenders when he scored, no one mentioned a protest – said Casarin -. The referee did a humane thing, not even the Genoa defenders had identified anything irregular. The VAR had to dissolve the doubt and instead he raised his hands.”

the sacchi case

On the failure to shake hands between the referee Luca Sacchi (later suspended) and the assistant Francesca Di Monte, Casarin stated: “It wasn’t nice to see. In the tunnel, it’s useless for the referees to wave so much as if they were returning from the America. Yesterday President Aia clarified that there are at least two thousand girls who referee. It was a clumsy move, but it bothered me, it was an unpleasant scene. Probably Sacchi, caught up in the moment, forgot to shake hands to the person to whom he had to give it first.”
