Casado meets his leadership after thousands of Ayusists ask for his departure


Act at 08:25


Increasingly surrounded and questioned, the president of the PP, Pablo Casado, meets the Steering Committee of his party, orn day after thousands of people called for his resignation and, that of his number two, Teodoro García Egea, in a demonstration in support of Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

At the same time that the national leadership of the PP is summoned, eleven o’clock, the president of the Community of Madrid will be in the Madrid town of Boadilla del Montewhere, according to the informative forecasts of his Government, he plans to inaugurate a public library.

The mass protest this Sunday before the party’s national headquarters, on Génova street in Madrid, has shown that the closure of the file against Díaz Ayuso has not served to tackle the crisis that keep bleeding to PP and that for the moment Casado has not found an urgent way out of the “bleeding” demanded by leaders such as the president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

National Congress

The feeling of the protesters is that the leadership, specifically the secretary general, would have made “disgusting maneuvers” against Díaz Ayuso, that Casado is a “traitor” who must leave “now” and that a national congress is “urgently” needed, according to what several of those attending the protest told Efe.

Thus, the request to renew the leadership of the party in an extraordinary congress, which in public makes positions related to Ayuso such as the deputy Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, flies over Genoa, although in the event that Casado does not contemplate it, his critics would need two-thirds of the National Board of Directors, a body made up of more than 500 people, support the call for the conclave.

Throughout the weekend the main leaders of the party, both national and regionalYes, they have remained silent in the face of the discomfort caused by the clash between Married and Diaz Ayuso.

The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, has also remained silent and without public acts, who on Thursday denied theaccusations about an attempt to spy on Ayuso using means of the Consistory, which also led to the resignation of Ángel Carromero, appointed by this operation, as general director of the Mayor’s Office Coordination.

Carromero is called this Monday to appear in a city commissionbut sources from the Madrid Mayor’s Office maintain that he will not have to do so as he no longer holds a managerial position.

Open war between Casado and Ayuso

Furthermore, the motives that made detonate the open war between Casado and Ayuso. The Madrid president has not budged from the accusations in which she argued that PP leadersThey had been “creating a dossier” against her for two months linking her to “some case of corruption” with the aim of destroying it.

By contrast, the closure of the open file for the match against Ayuso it does imply a step back from Casado, who dissipates suspicions of corruption about the Madrid president by accepting as valid the justification that her brother, Tomás Díaz Ayuso, charged 55,580 euros for “managements made to obtain the material from China and its transfer to Madrid”.

Just a day earlier, Casado wondered if “it is understandable that on April 1 (2020), when seven hundred people died in Spain, You can contract with your sister and receive 286,000 euros – the amount in which an alleged commission was encrypted – of profit for selling masks “.

The Madrid left, however, maintains their misgivings about possible corruption, which he transferred to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office. The PSOE will expand its complaint with data from four new contracts between the Community of Madrid and companies linked to the president’s brother.

Furthermore, the impact of the crisis is already being felt in the polls. According to the SocioMétrica survey for ‘El Español’ published this Sunday the PP would have left 19 seats since last January to stand at 82 and vox I would be on his heels with 78 deputies and even, it would advance the popular ones in voting intention.
