Casado awaits a call from Sánchez about Ukraine

Pedro Sánchez has not called Paul Married. “There he is…”, said the leader of the PP, this Sunday, somewhat annoyed, after last Friday he offered his support for any decision on Spain’s support for the NATO. However, he is waiting for the President of the Government to inform him of his position on the conflict between Russia and Spain.

The government has not told us anything“, Casado pointed out during his telematic intervention at the Canary Islands PP congress. The conservative leader has recalled that he keeps his hand outstretched to the Executive. “If NATO requires the displacement of navy ships or an air deployment, we will support it because we believe it is key to guaranteeing peace in Europe“, he said last Friday. That day he already demanded that Sánchez keep him informed and that he also give accounts in Congress. For now, the Foreign Minister, Jose Manuel Albares, has asked to appear urgently next Tuesday in the Lower House.

Casado has also taken advantage of the discrepancies between PSOE and United We Can to attack Sánchez. “Are you going to put order in your government so that they stop insulting your defense minister and stop saying that what you have decided on Ukraine is nonsense?” Casado asked the chief executive in reference to some statements of the former leader of the purples, paul churches, about the person in charge of Defense, Margarita Robles.

The leader of the conservatives has also pulled from the newspaper library and has recalled an interview granted by Sánchez to El Mundo in 2014. “There is a need for more budget against poverty, gender violence… And there is the Ministry of Defense“The now chief executive said then. “By the way, Mr. Sánchez, do you still think that the Ministry of Defense must be abolished because it is not worth much?” he asked.

“by finger”

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In the usual trend of recent weeks, Casado has taken the opportunity to accuse Sánchez of granting European funds “by finger”. “It is true what Sánchez said, that the funds were green and digital. Digital because he gives them by hand and green because he gives them to Bildu”, he has sentenced. He then reiterated that these items are “solidarity for all Spaniards” and not for “socialist policies.” Once again, the PP leader has called for the creation of an independent authority to manage the funds.

The one who blocks is you because you don’t want to have anything to do with a moderate party. He wants to be with Bildu, with ERC and with Podemos“, Casado has accused Sánchez in response to the plea of ​​the President of the Government not to block the receipt of the funds.


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