Carospesa, which are the supermarkets where you save the most

THEn times of high inflation and of high billsit has become very difficult for citizens and families to make ends meet. Shopping has become very expensive today, as it takes almost twice as much to fill the trolley as before. And so every day is a hopping from one supermarket to another looking for the offer, the below cost, the promotions to be able to save something.

Cheaper supermarkets

But to prevent people from going around all the stores in the city to find out which are the cheapest outlets, Altroconsumo has drawn up the ranking of the most convenient ones.

The Consumers Association visited over 1,100 storesincluding hypermarkets, supermarkets and discount stores in 67 Italian cities and compared, more than 1.6 million prices, demonstrating that choosing the cheapest sign or store in the survey saves big bucks.

Where do you save the most?

The research answer to this question is, shopping from Aldi and Eurospin where, buying the cheapest products ever, a family of four can save up to € 3,350 per year compared to what he spends on average, 8,550 euros according to Istat.

Shopping has become very expensive

Savings depending on the type of expense

the cost of shopping changes according to the products that are placed in the cart. With a mixed expensethat is, which includes all types of products, therefore branded, private label and the cheapest of all, the cheapest supermarket and hypermarket signs are Famila Superstore and Dok.

As for the discounters, which Altroconsumo however holds in a separate ranking because they have a smaller offer of branded products, the winner is Eurospin.

If the shopping is done only with branded products, it is long S to obtain the title of the cheapest supermarket. Discounters with a small range of branded products are also not considered here.

Finally, with an expense with private label products, there is at the top of the hyper and super cheapest rankings Carrefour.

The cities where you save the most

In the analysis, the city ​​where you save the most would be: Venice, Bologna, Ravenna and Vicenza. The worst, instead, they would be Teramo, Taranto and Potenza.

THE cheapest outlets ever are: the Hemisphere of Vicenza, Mega of Treviso and Esselunga of Mantua. The most expensive, howeverSigma of Ravenna, Coop of Venice and Sigma of Parma.

Same product, different prices

Research has highlighted price differences even in the same city. And so in Milan a liquid detergent can fluctuate up to 173%. The same happens in Naples, where a shampoo costs about double between one supermarket and another.

How to save with shopping

If the intent is save as much as possible while maintaining high quality, discount and commercial brand products are confirmed as the right choice for Altroconsumo. The association can support it without uncertainty, given that the best results, both in terms of quality and convenience, in the tests of the last two years on different products, the ones from discoun got themt. The same also happened for private label products which had this same result in 36% of cases.

