Caroline van der Plas thinks Tim Hofman is an awful sourpuss

Caroline van der Plas thinks that television star Tim Hofman is an incredible sourpuss. Her political party became the largest in the Netherlands yesterday, but the presenter does not want to accept that.


She has booked a monster victory in yesterday’s Provincial Council elections: Caroline van der Plas. Her BoerBurgerBeweging has become the largest political party in the Netherlands in one fell swoop. She is showered with compliments and congratulations, but in left-wing circles people are grumbling. Tim Hofman, for example, is very dissatisfied.


Tim finds it unbearable that Caroline has grown so big. He refuses to congratulate the politician, but has posted the following tweet: “Benefit parents not pathetic, tractor millionaires are pathetic, gr. The Netherlands.”

He adds: “Do you think I’m a l*l blabla, but this is exactly what the voter said today.”

How incredibly sour, thinks Caroline. She responds: “You underestimate the voter. Sourpuss.”

Randstad resident

Caroline gets a lot of acclaim. Geert says: “Our suburban residents do not understand voting behavior.”

Iko notes: “The Hilversum media bubble in one tweet.”

Erik: “It is striking that so many ‘progressives’ do not get much further than one-dimensional populism. Exactly what they accuse others of. Stuck in their own frame of reference.”

And Moos: “There are people who can completely miss the point. ?”


Tim stands by his tweet. He calls the reactions to his comment “emotional” and “fascinating.” “So the point is that there was no protest after the surcharge scandal, but there was after the nitrogen debacle. That’s it. It is also fascinating how emotional people here get from a tweet that they misunderstand.”

His follower Sven thinks that is a weak reaction: “A bit easy again. I see you more often. You throw a tweet into the world and if there are reactions to it, then those people don’t understand, they act or you put yourself out of the discussion. Maybe you shouldn’t post the message with your reach.”


Caroline’s tweet:
