Caroline van der Plas resumes work after ‘serious’ threats | Politics

Caroline van der Plas (55) resumes her work after the series of ‘serious’ threats to her address. The foreman of the BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB) ​​announced this via Twitter.

Van der Plas stopped her work a week ago and canceled all her public appearances and working visits. “I don’t feel safe at the moment,” she said at the time. The front woman received several hate messages a week, including a death threat.

“The security measures in my area have been completed this week and measures have also been taken regarding personal security. The complaint has also been picked up by the Public Prosecution Service. I am picking up public work again,” she said today. She does not say anything about the nature of the measures. “But they are such that I pick up work outside the door again.”

Van Der Plas will again make working visits and appear in talk shows or other media. “I will not be attending larger (public) events or public gatherings, where there are large groups of people, for the time being.”

Additional measures

The BBB foreman has had talks with the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV), the security of the House of Representatives and the police, which has led to the extra measures. The police are investigating the source of the threats. “All threats are being investigated and so far one death threat has been deemed so serious that the Public Prosecution Service will deal with the report.”

Van der Plas is overloaded with hundreds of statements of support. “These have done me very well. At a time when you start to doubt the goodness in people, such statements of support are very valuable,” said the forewoman. “Unfortunately, some people have doubted the authenticity of the threats and expressed this in the media or via social media. I can’t believe people seriously think I’m using something as serious as a death threat for my own gain.”

She asks everyone to stop threatening people. “Death threats or threats of violence have a huge impact on a person’s personal life. And on the lives of their loved ones. I ask everyone to realize what you are doing to someone…”
