Caroline van der Plas received urgent advice: ‘Not to Humberto!’

Caroline van der Plas received urgent advice from her campaign manager not to participate in Humberto Tan’s talk show last Tuesday. “Just don’t do it!”


Caroline van der Plas’ performance in Humberto Tan’s talk show was not good. She started to enthusiastically shake her head no on Tuesday evening when he described Mona Keijzer as a ‘prime minister’s candidate’. That’s typical of the media, the BBB leader fumed. But it is not the media, but Caroline herself who presented Mona as a prime ministerial candidate.

Little sleep

Campaign leader Henk Vermeer defends this blunder The Telegraph. “Can I say something about this? You see, Caroline had only slept eight hours in 48 hours this week. On Monday morning she sat with Goedemorgen Nederland, in the evening she gave the HJ Schoo lecture, the parliamentary year started on Tuesday and she sat with Humberto again in the evening.”

Journalists Inge Lengton and Wouter de Winther responded: “Yes, exactly, and that’s where she made those contradictory statements. Isn’t this one of those growing pains that you have to learn something from? That after such busy days you no longer sit down at a talk show table in the evening?”

‘Do not go!’

Yes, Henk agrees. “Humberto wanted us to go there that same evening. I strongly advised Caroline: don’t do it, you can’t handle it. The growing pain is that she has to do everything alone, so far. Fortunately, we now have reinforcements and we have already built in more peace this week.”

He concludes: “We are growing very fast, have the budget of a 1-seat party and have to perform as the largest party in the Netherlands. That asks a lot. There are hordes of BBBers who have canceled their vacation completely.”

In bed

The intention is that Caroline will no longer make overtired media appearances. “I see how hard Caroline works. So far so good. But Khadija Arib once spoke the legendary words to me: you win elections in bed.”

“I was shocked and said: excuse me? Then she started laughing and said: make sure you are well rested.”
