Caroline van der Plas angry with Angela de Jong: ‘Why is she acting like this?’

Caroline van der Plas is annoyed by the way Rachel Hazes is consistently bashed by opinion diva Angela de Jong. “I don’t like that at all.”

© William Rutten, RTL

Popular politician Caroline van der Plas maintains a friendly relationship with one of the most unpopular celebrities in the country: Rachel Hazes. The two got to know each other during the recordings of the TV program BN’ers in het Ziekenhuis on SBS 6 and had a good click with each other.

Dear wife

Rachel is a really nice person in real life, says Caroline in conversation with the Weekend. “My contact with Rachel is very good. That’s another example. In the media she is portrayed as a certain type. But I think she’s a huge treasure. A very sweet woman.”

Few people think this way about Rachel. Why is Caroline in it like that? “When I had corona she immediately sent me an app: ‘Dear darling, how annoying for you, I wish you a speedy recovery. If there’s anything I can do for you, errands or something, just say so.’ I thought: well, Rachel, you live in Mijdrecht! Me in Denver.”

Brown Rachel

It seems Rachel just said this out of courtesy. After all, she is said to only leave her house if she can earn money somewhere with André’s estate. But don’t let Caroline hear that. “I think it is very unfair how she is portrayed in the media.”

She continues: “There it is again about appearance, because she is so brown. Or about her Rotterdam accent. I think it’s really bad that people are killed for something like this. My experience with her is very different.”

indoor rooms

But isn’t it true that Rachel is arguing with the whole world? Even with her own daughter. “I don’t know what Dré, Roxeanne, Monique and her father have done, so I have no judgment about that. I judge based on my experience with her.”

She continues: “I do think: keep your family affairs private. But they choose publicity, that’s up to them. Who am I to judge that?”

Angry at Angela

Angela de Jong is very critical of Rachel. She finds the professional widow a horror. However, Caroline thinks she shouldn’t be so judgmental. “Why do people do that? Angela de Jong also writes a column about her and then I think: do you know Rachel at all? She goes by what she reads in the media and what they see of her.”

“I don’t like that at all. I judge someone by the content and not by the appearance.”
