Caroline Gennez nieuwe Vlaamse lijstrekker Vooruit in provincie Antwerpen | Inland

UpdateCaroline Gennez is the Vlaamse lijstrekker for the party in the province of Antwerp. That’s what we want to bet on.

The Huidige Federal Minister of Development is part of Conner Rousseau’s participation in the Flemish Lijst te trekking in June 2024 and an eventual Vlaams regeerakkoord mee te onderhandelen, shows zegt. “That’s why I met overdoing it. He wants to have a huge amount of work in Vlaanderen: there is something on the horizon, a labor market that is still growing in great numbers, but also in the Vlaams Parliament I am looking for something that is now hard to come by.”

“Strijd tegen extreemrechts” and van de prioriteiten

Also the “strijd tegen extreemrechts” is for Gennez and one of the priorities. “He has the right to play in the coming neighborhood. In welk Vlaanderen will we wake up on June 10th? A country where racism is normal? What are the rights of women in the LGBTQI+ community that have now been established in Italy? Will we de klok terugdraaien, of will we vooruit?”

Gennez was from 2014 to 2022 in the French Parliament. The Antwerp has already been finalized on December 10, 2020, which will be presented in advance, as will be seen later.

KIJK. Gennez will onderzoek naar Israel vanwege oorlogsmisdaden

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