Carola Rackete will run as a candidate in the European elections in June 2024

The activist has announced that he will stand as a candidate in the European elections with the German left-wing party Die Linke

Editorial board

Carola Racketeformer commander of the ship Sea Watch 3, will apply to European elections in June 2024 with the German left-wing party Die Linke.

Carola Rackete at the European 2024

Die Linke is part of the European Left group in Brussels, co-chaired by Manon Aubry by La France Insoumise and by Martin Schirdewan, by Die Linke. “Today I am announcing my candidacy as an independent candidate for the European Parliament on the list of the German Left Party,” he wrote Carola Rackete in a statement. “As someone deeply rooted in the social and environmental justice movements, I have never had any desire to work within state institutions. However, I believe that strong links between street movements and the European Parliament” the press release reads.

“I believe this position can be used for make the voice of the movements heard in Parliamentbut also to strengthen social movements by sharing information, resources and media attention, acting as a watchdog for what is happening inside the institutions. I will strive to be a transparent and critical member of parliament” wrote the environmental activist, supporter of the Extinction Rebellion movement.

the Sea Watch 3 affair

Carola Rackete became internationally known in the summer of 2019 when, in command of the lifeboat Sea Watch 3decided to break the blockade set by the Italian authorities by entering the port of Lampedusa e disembarking 40 migrants rescued at sea a couple of weeks before. The German activist was initially arrested, however her arrest was not validated by the judge for the preliminary investigations of Agrigento.
