Carola Antigua: royal houses and ancient tableware

I leave you with the first-person account of its owner:

The house dates from 1886, its original owner was Justo Jorge Jauretche.

Mi Pueblo “Lucas González” has a super interesting story regarding its location and name, it was founded 2 years later in 1888. After his death the fields were divided among many heirs. In 1990 my father-in-law and one of his brothers bought a small part of what at the time was a large farm with many hectares, at this time its name was changed to “Los Olivos” and in 2002 it returned to its name. Original Hell.

Since I can remember I have a fascination for everything old. From a piece of furniture, a cup or a tureen… those walls set in mud are incredible! A door, a pitch pine floor and the calcareous ones that are so fashionable now, when at one time people took them out of their houses and put ceramics. I could not understand it, if they were beautiful, imperfect and worn.

A yellowish lace, such a classic photo of those large families all located perfectly for the photo, my Mother Elvira’s wedding dress that she kept in a trunk that they had given her for her wedding… that trunk still has inside an aroma that I love.

When my Mother passed away, her children began to distribute their things, when the time came for the trunk, my aunt Esther was the one who decided that he was for me. When she opened it, she found a bag with 2 white linen cushion covers with the needleless technique and 2 letters that my Mother wrote for me, those letters she wrote on some pieces of paper that I had drawn when I was 4 or 5 years old.

In the days after his departure, I go to my dad’s and take out of a drawer in his kitchen 2 recipe notebooks with his calligraphic handwriting. One of them was a notebook with blank pages left over from his elementary school. So there is also something of his childhood in him. There is so much of her in me… that she never left, she is always there. Every day I think of my mother with much love and gratitude for having had her in my life.

When I was able to start buying objects from the past I couldn’t stop. I started with furniture and chandeliers because I knew that at some point and as my husband would say “tomorrow”, everything would be in the house in El Infierno. So it was that then my first purchase of tableware arrived, the first cups are a Grindley Peach Petal.

You already know the rest, Caro… I get lost in the old crockery. He took a piece in my hands and I marvel at thinking about his story: Was it a wedding gift? What table did she shine at? How many shared talks and confidences, etc.

It excites me to have those parts of stories in my house, in my life, I would never let them go and I couldn’t dedicate myself to what you do either… because I would keep them all for myself.

Let’s enjoy what is ours, what is native, our heritage is so valuable and sometimes we do not see it.

I wait for you in the next royal house and old tableware.


in this note
