Carnival without corona rules: ‘We are ready’ | 1Limburg

It seems that after two years, Limburg can celebrate carnival without too many rules. According to the plans of the cabinet that were leaked, the corona pass will largely expire for regulars and pubs will be allowed to use their normal closing times from 25 February. Exactly at the moment when the folk festival starts.

The catering industry and carnival associations are delighted. By canceling parades and outdoor events, Carnival 2022 will mainly culminate in a pub party. Especially now that cafes are allowed to stay open until late at night.

To decorate
Many innkeepers see their chances turning and do not wait. They are hastily preparing for a colorful storm. The biggest problem seems to be the capacity. Where can you find an extra tent for more square meters at the last minute? Like Martijn Lacroix in Panningen. He has already decorated his entire shop on Monday, throws out all the tables and chairs and quickly paints the windows this week. “I still have a hand in hand, but we have already decorated because the carnival will continue, sitting or standing. We have all options open. If the press conference offers positive news, we can immediately confirm all suppliers on Wednesday. Then we will be there ready for, fancy.”

To get used to
Four weeks ago, the catering industry was still locked. In two weeks there will be no more restrictions. That also takes some getting used to for the owners. “We are very happy that we can finally do business again”, says Guido Kreutzer. Nevertheless, the chairman of the Limburg catering industry remains cautious. “We know that it usually turns out as leaked in advance. We have learned that over the past two years.” Yet Kreutzer first wants to see and then believe what the Minister of Health Ernst Kuipers will announce on Tuesday evening.

What is allowed on the street?
Many revelers will not only sit in the pub during Carnival, but also take to the streets. It is not clear whether municipalities, as administrators of the public domain, are taking any measures. Are French fries, fish stalls or bars allowed outside? And the more restrictions, the more difficult enforcement is likely to become. “On Wednesday morning, the catering industry and Limburg municipalities will discuss exactly how we are going to celebrate,” says Kreutzer.

Staff celebrate themselves
In Beringe, Ves van Rijt is waiting anxiously. He runs café Nabber with a community center that can accommodate a thousand people. This weekend there is already a session evening where 200 visitors are allowed. A nice warm-up, but for him there are still too many questions. How does he get enough staff in such a short period of time? “Everyone wants to celebrate carnival themselves,” he sighs. And where does he get artists from at the last minute?

“I don’t expect it to be full immediately. People are a bit hesitant to go out. They were allowed little or nothing for two years and now everything will go off again within two weeks. I will in any case make sure that they can celebrate carnival responsibly, so don’t cram the cafe, but also add the hall so that there is enough space.”

Eager to plan
Bart Maes, chairman of Samenwirkende Limburgse Vastelaovesvereniginge (SLV), sees that some clubs are eager with big plans. “In Maastricht they still want to proclaim the city prince, in Sittard there will be activities and Weert may hold a family parade.” They hope for a redeeming signal during the Kuipers press conference.

Maes has been consulting with the Limburg security regions for some time now. That has resulted in something. For example, municipalities can issue permits until the last minute, even just before Saturday. “It must of course fit within the applicable measures,” said the SLV chairman.

Tent rental
The family business Manders in Oostrum rents out tents, stalls and furniture to the catering industry and expects municipalities to adopt a flexible attitude. “Normally, the administration takes more time than these two weeks until Carnival. You have permits, construction drawings and contracts, but in the last two years almost everything could only be approved at the last minute due to the varying corona measures. The municipality of Venray thinks well about that. I agree, they know our work so it shouldn’t be a problem,” says Bob Manders.

According to him, things have ‘exploded’ with applications in the past two weeks. “The more leaks out about easing, the busier we get. Fortunately, we were able to hire some extra staff just in time. That’s a small miracle. I think it will be very busy from Saturday, but we will definitely make it happen. ”

While stocks last
A little further in the village, at Versleijen Party and Attractieverhuur, the optimism is just as high. “I notice that it is getting busier. Many people are orienting themselves and we receive a lot of requests. I think it is a bit of the calm before the storm, because nobody dares to give a blow to the quotation before it is clear which way it is going.” , says Roy Versleijen. He does not expect a lack of time or material. “Everything is neatly stored and available while supplies last.”

Also read: Carnival uncertainty remains after announced relaxation


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