Carnival: street breakfast in Döllekesgat • Early peaks at Testikelbal

Our reporters are on the road for you all day today. You can see and read about the metworst races in Boksmèr (Boxmeer), the wheelbarrow race in the Meerpoel (Someren), pink Carnival Monday in Oisterwijk (Döllekesgat) and the parade in Oeteldonk, or Den Bosch.

From 2 p.m. you can follow the parade live online and on TV through Boemeldonck (Prinsenbeek). At 20.15 you can see the sing-along event Kruikenstad in Koor live from the Heuvel in Tilburg. And at 4 p.m. and at 5:50 p.m. we broadcast live from our own Fijnfisjenie Café.
