Carnival revelers go to the physiotherapist in polonaise with a sore knee or back

Physiotherapists are preparing for a peak after carnival. Four days of non-stop polonaise running and hustling does not seem to be for everyone. From Ash Wednesday onwards, the treatment tables are often occupied by carnival revelers with, among other things, back and knee problems. “It is often the rashness that causes an accident,” says physiotherapist Louis van den Bergh.

“The first appointments for people with complaints due to carnival have already been made,” says Van den Bergh of Fysiomore with eight branches in West and Central Brabant. “We are already seeing a lot of sprained ankles and problems with knees.”

“A jump that didn’t end well.”

Carnival celebrants don’t seem to want to miss anything from the annual party and often continue with their complaints for a while. It is still relatively quiet at OrthoMedic in Roosendaal. But that is the calm before the storm, they know from experience. From Ash Wednesday onwards, the number of Carnival celebrants who want an appointment at the physiotherapy practice will increase.

“We then see more people who have had a ‘trauma moment’ during carnival. People where a ‘jump’ during the party just didn’t end well. They then have complaints in their knee or Achilles tendon, for example,” an employee explains.

“Good fitness remains important.”

Because you can dress up as a top athlete: there is no guarantee that your body will still be in top condition by the end of carnival. “A good condition is also very important during these four days,” says the practice employee at FysioFaster in Hoogerheide.

People are often not aware that during carnival they stand much longer than normal in a day. For example during an hour-long parade. “After carnival we see more people with pain in their knees or back. Not only among spectators, but also among participants of the parade,” said the employee.

“A week of training doesn’t make much sense.”

Often a few treatments are needed to get the carnival celebrant back on their feet. “It is important that you are basically fit and trained. Training in the gym a week before carnival doesn’t make much sense. ”

If you are still in the middle of the oompah at the moment, here are a few tips to prevent problems:

  • A warm-up with stretching exercises such as before exercising is not an unnecessary luxury before you leave home.
  • If you stand still for a long time, do not arch your back too much. Tilt your pelvis regularly to alternately round and concave your back. Try to distribute your weight as much as possible over both legs. Also alternate with your left and right leg. So keep moving.
  • Drink enough water to prevent cramps and muscle pain. Alcohol dehydrates the body. Your muscles need fluid to function properly.
  • Make sure you wear comfortable shoes and a festive outfit that is warm enough to keep your muscles warm.
