Carnival parade Bergeijk cancelled: 12 of the 15 participants drop out

The Sunday carnival parade in Bergeijk is canceled this year. Usually about fifteen companies participate in the colorful procession. This year there were only two registrations. The corona crisis has ruined the parade, according to the local carnival foundation CV De Teuten.

During the corona crisis, the parade was canceled two years in a row. As a result, some companies have fallen apart. Other groups no longer feel like it or have sold the carnival materials, says Stijn Gilsing of De Teuten.

“If the parade doesn’t take place for a few years, you clean up the barn with a wagon.”

“This year we only have two registrations, including the marching band. That is far too few to hold a decent parade. We had many small groups here that pulled a handcart, for example. Think of a decorated wagon with a nice slogan on it and seven children, dressed as chicken in the bin. If such a cart is in the way of the barn in the path and the parade is canceled for a few years, you clean it up. Together with your carnival materials. We think that this years fewer people want to walk.”

The two participants who did want to be transferred to the Monday parade (Bonte Stoet) in Groot Bergeijk, in which participants from different villages walk and ride through the region. “The children’s parade on Saturday will also continue, there are several schools involved that provide participants.”

“Few people feel like building a car in the evening.”

It is unclear whether a Sunday parade will be organized next year. “We will discuss that later. Carnival is still popular. There are enough carnival people. Few people feel like building floats for the parade in the evening.”

Corona has also left traces in other villages and towns. People have canceled their membership of construction clubs. This has consequences for many parades. For example, normally 20 to 22 carnival floats drive through the streets of Eindhoven. There are now five to seven off. And in Someren the parade is canceled at all.

Some construction clubs are in financial trouble after the corona crisis. On the one hand, members have dropped out and contributions are coming in less. On the other hand, construction costs have risen sharply. “There was only one neighborhood association here with a large car, so that can’t be the reason that so many participants dropped out,” says Gilsing. “There are just fewer and fewer people willing to help.”


Carnival parade is not disappearing so quickly, but corona does leave traces

Building carnival floats has become extremely expensive: ‘It is smaller this year’
