Carnival in Oeteldonk kicked off with the arrival of Amadeiro

Prince Amadeiro has opened carnival in Oeteldonk amid great interest. At exactly 11.11 Amadeiro arrived on platform 1 to take his first step on the ‘stepping stone’ to loud cheers. This could be followed live on the Stationsplein and with that carnival 2023 was officially started in Oeteldonk.

Written by

Femke de Jong

A unique and unmissable moment is when Amadeiro and his retinue arrive at the Stationsplein via the escalator.

Waiting in the station for HRH Prince Amadeiro (photo: Marcel van Dorst/EYE4images)
Waiting in the station for HRH Prince Amadeiro (photo: Marcel van Dorst/EYE4images)

The stepping stone on which Amadeiro puts his foot (photo: Marcel van Dorst/EYE4images)
The stepping stone on which Amadeiro puts his foot (photo: Marcel van Dorst/EYE4images)

Prince Amadeiro XXVI hangs a kale wreath around the statuette of one of His ancestors, Amadeiro XVI. You then hear the Oeteldonks Volkslied and Prinsenlied and then Prince Amadeiro XXVI addresses his people.

Carnival is sometimes serious business (photo: Marcel van Dorst/EYE4images)
Carnival is sometimes serious business (photo: Marcel van Dorst/EYE4images)

A warm welcome for Amadeiro on the Stationsplein (photo: Marcel van Dorst/EYE4images)
A warm welcome for Amadeiro on the Stationsplein (photo: Marcel van Dorst/EYE4images)

HRH Prince Amadeiro is looking forward to it (photo: Marcel van Dorst/EYE4images)
HRH Prince Amadeiro is looking forward to it (photo: Marcel van Dorst/EYE4images)
