Carnival 2024 takes over Sitges and Vilanova: the historical rivalry that supports two unique festivals

Garraf is celebrating. Sitges and Vilanova i la Geltrú They live from this ‘Dijous Gras’ the greatest days of their respective ccarnivals. Satire and feathers, troupes and debauchery, projection and tradition, sequins and candy, dance and music, ‘xató’ and merengue, and rúas, many rúas. This Lardero Thursday Sitges has received King Carnestoltes, that after declaiming the proclamation he already governs the city. “The calendar of these dates is marked according to whether we are ‘Before Carnival’ (BC) or ‘After Carnival’ (AD),” comments the mayor of Sitges, Aurora Carbonell (ERC), when asked to what extent the municipality is paralyzed these days.

For this ‘Dijous Gras’ the residents of Vilanova i la Geltrú have once again had their fill of eating ‘xato’ and they have smeared themselves from top to bottom with Meringue. First, the little ones, who have gathered in front of the Blanch pastry to end up lost of this sweet. Taking over are the adults who, late at night, fill the Plaza de la Vila to throw merengue at each other: “You have a very fine complexion,” he says. Eulàlia Soria, reference of Vilanova culture and tradition.

Otro de los 170 actos que forman el programa del Carnaval de Vilanova i la Geltrú es la ‘Màscara d’Or’, una gala en que las entidades compiten para ver quién presenta el vídeo más satírico y original. En la edición de este año, que tuvo lugar este miércoles en el Teatre Principal, destaca uno de los vídeos a concurso que, aunque no ha resultado ganador, sí representa con la sátira precisa el modo de hacer de los vilanovenses ante su Carnaval.

Tras cinco minutos de autocrítica y mofa de los temas de la actualidad local en 2023 (como la Copa América o la insolvencia financiera del Ayuntamiento), el vídeo acaba con una aparición especial. El alcalde de Vilanova i la Geltrú, Juan Luis Ruiz (PSC), posa en plena plaza de la Vila ataviado como un arquetípico turista (sandalias, bermudas, camisa de flores y nevera portátil en mano) y pregunta lo siguiente a los oriundos: “Is this Sitges?” [¿Esto es Sitges?]. Those present, among whom are the mayor and the first deputy mayor (actors, not real ones), indignantly pounce on the unsuspecting tourist (this one, the real mayor) who has dared confuse Vilanova with Sitges.
