Carlotta Ferlito and the gymnastics case: “They called me pig”

In a video posted on TikTok and then removed, the former athlete brings to light episodes from his childhood and draws attention to the eating disorders still present

The case of abuse, mistreatment and verbal violence in gymnastics is enriched by another testimony, that of Carlotta Ferlito, 27, two Olympics, a silver in the beam and a bronze of the European team, in addition to her participation to the docuseries “Ginnaste – Lives Parallele” by Mtv which helped make it famous.

The accusations

“I decided to open up more about eating disorders, I don’t want to put them on a silver platter because they suck – said the former gymnast on TikTok in a video that was later removed – (…) My disorders unfortunately started from when I was 8 years old, at the first gymnastics college there was a coach who wasn’t even mine who told me: “How many cookies did you eat this morning?” And I “Six.” And she: “And why not five?” Or another time at 8, they weighed me and I was 26.7 kg, the next week I weighed 27.6 kg and they told me I had to lose weight. shocked, I called my father (…) He, imagine, did not even believe it and told me: “Carlotta the next time you step on the scale, pull your belly in”.

The disturbances

Ferlito – who hasn’t competed for three years – then recalled: “I could tell you a million episodes like this one. have “passed” but in the head they never go. “Until today:” Last year I lost a lot of weight for something personal (…) and I saw myself better physically. Since September it has degenerated, now I am in therapy and I’m trying to improve myself. Don’t be fooled by the physical form that says nothing about eating disorders, for example I also suffer from episodes of binge eating (binge eating, ed), even if you would never say it “.

Federal investigation

Meanwhile, the work of Federgymnastics to protect its athletes continues. Today an extraordinary Board of Directors is scheduled, while a new investigation activity is triggered in all the national and international academies, with a series of interviews with all members. In Desio, in particular, the duty officer Marcella Bounous will supervise the relationship between athletes and technicians, with the task of promptly reporting any anomalies and reporting to Commissioner Peroni every sixty days.
