Carlo Boszhard wants RTL to bet more on Emile Ratelband: ‘So good!’

Carlo Boszhard would like RTL to bet more on Emile Ratelband. He is a big fan of his three-part series on Videoland and advocates a new series of episodes. “It’s the best of times.”


Emile Ratelband makes the most dubious statements in his series on RTL’s Videoland, but Carlo Boszhard can’t get enough of it. He has devoured the three episodes of the reality series ‘Op Hete Kolen’ and wants more. “It’s the best I’ve seen in ages,” says the presenter in his column in Televizier.

Carlo screams

Carlo thinks it’s a genius program. “The man makes me laugh like no comedy film can make me laugh, then grabs me by the throat and terrifies me like the worst horror. Just when you think it couldn’t get any more talked-about, it goes up a notch.”

He was especially shocked by Emile’s search for a surrogate mother. “Then a woman asks how all this is going to happen. By means of a syringe? No, just: meat on meat. I rewind it, is he saying ‘just meat on meat’? The lady in question does not want that. Ratelband: ‘Then I said: if I see your photo, I don’t want it either.’”

Stranger things

Carlos loves it. “Ratelband can’t get enough of it, and neither can I. I don’t want three but ten episodes!”

It’s better than anything on Netflix, he thinks. “I’m already more addicted to this series than to the excellent new season of Stranger Things. Netflix had to spend millions for it, but on Videoland we really see ‘stranger things’.”


The trailer of the Ratelband series:
