Carlo Boszhard joins the discussion about ‘fake’ Britt Dekker

Carlo Boszhard intervenes in the discussion about the ‘fake’ Britt Dekker. He was on the edge of his seat when the presenter started arguing with Angela de Jong on live television.


Britt Deker is known for being difficult to handle criticism. She embraces compliments – after every TV appearance she spends hours retweeting and reposting all the praise – but she doesn’t know what to do with vicious comments. She recently decided to attack Angela de Jong in Renze Klamer’s talk show because of some critical columns.

Carlo loves arguing

A while ago, Angela described the television duo that Britt formed with Wendy van Dijk as the duo ‘Nep & Fake’ and she is not happy about that at all. She finds the opinion diva of the AD very sour, but according to Yvonne Coldeweijer, Angela is of course right. The juice queen finds it obvious that Britt is not authentic.

Now Carlo Boszhard is also joining the discussion. He confesses in his televisioncolumn to have enjoyed the TV confrontation. “Were you also on the edge of your seat during the confrontation between Britt Dekker and Angela de Jong at Renze?”

Jibe philosophy

Carlo thinks that many celebrities – he hints at Britt, of course – could benefit from the philosophy of René van der Gijp. “Everyone could learn something from René. His reaction is not ‘let go’ but (René van Gijp imitation): ‘let go!’ I hear him say it. René is jealous of life.”

Perhaps this wisdom also comes with age, because Carlo saw at Britt’s talk show table that Maarten van Rossem also has a good sense of perspective. “While everyone had an opinion afterwards, at the same time at the table things were heroically saved.”

Why stress?

Maarten advised Britt not to worry so much about outside comments and criticisms. And that attitude of René and Maarten seems to agree with Carlo on the presenter.

Carlo does think that the show media can sometimes sing a little lower. “Angela de Jong can explain in detail what she thinks in the AD, but it is precisely that one provocative sentence that the final editor takes out and is above her column.”

He sighs: “The headhunters are lurking everywhere, because that provides the much-needed clicks.”
