Carla’s (31) roof flew off during storm Eunice

Storm Eunice is already a week ago, but she feels Carla (31) is still in the middle of it. The roof of her block of houses flew off during the storm and since then the fear has been good. “My house no longer feels safe.”

Eva BredaGetty Images/EyeEm

Carla: “While pointing to the garden, I asked my husband Robbin: ‘What flies there?’ The food was just on the table. McDonald’s. We planned a wonderful evening during storm Eunice, with fast food and a movie. But then I saw what flew through the garden: insulation material. Followed by roof panels. Panic struck me. Did our house collapse?

Silence before the storm

The week before the storm, our pets were restless. Our cat was much more affectionate than usual and our dog once pooped in his entire crate. Animals sense disaster, don’t they say? My newborn son too, I think. On Thursday night, Lennon suddenly slept through the night for 9 hours, like a log. Silence before the storm. Although I didn’t really think about it at the time. We live in Zwolle, I thought that code orange wouldn’t be too bad here. The worst weather would probably be on the coast, I thought.

I was broken

I’ve been on my gums for seven weeks. I just became a mother and I have no idea how to continue to take good care of myself. I drink and eat way too little and take too little rest. As a result, I have been struggling for weeks with bladder infections and fungal infections and even a breast infection. I am tired, crying and because of my restlessness my son also cries a lot. I was also hoping for not too much hassle on Friday. I was broken. That movie night was very welcome.

Is the house collapsing?

And then our roof flew off. It’s weird to experience something like that. My home, my safe haven, suddenly didn’t feel so safe anymore. Because if a roof can just fly off, what else can happen? Is the house collapsing? Will the rain come in soon? How was the attic? I didn’t dare look. My son was in my arms, still quite calm. Rocking it, I stared out into the yard, as if that would tame the storm.

Video footage of Carla’s block of houses as the roof flies off. Text continues below the video.