Carl Philip’s family grew in Blixten

Carl Philip and Sofia now also have a lizard in their family.

In October, Princess Gabriel and Prince Julian were watching Carl Philip’s car race. PDO

Princess Sofia’s and the prince Carl Philip’s the family has a new arrival. The newcomer is called Blixten and it is a lizard.

According to Svensk Dam magazine, the family’s children Alexander (6), Gabriel (5) and Julian (1.5 years) are obsessed with Blixten.

Blixten is known to have gotten its name from the Disney movie Cars, where one of the characters is called Blixten McQueen.

Blixten is known to be a leopard gecko, but this is not certain.

there is no certainty. They are described as calm and easy to tame.

Already in the past, the family has included Border terrier Siri.

Also Madeleine’s and Victoria families have dogs.

Madeleine’s family’s Teddy is a Labradoodle, i.e. a cross between a Labrador retriever and a poodle.

Rio, which was bought into Victoria’s family, is a cross between a cavoodle and a Cavalier King Charles spaniel.

Victoria and Daniel’s firstborn Estelle, on the other hand, has been disappointed. He really wanted a hamster, but he got a little brother, Oscar.

And that’s not all. Her pony Frozza proved troublesome, so Estelle got a new pony named Viktor.

Carl Philip and Sofia’s Siri is a purebred border terrier. Photo from 2016. The royal houses

Carl Philip and Sofia got married in 2015. IL
