Caren Miosga succeeds (again) Anne Will

Caren Miosga is valued as a TV personality on ARD

Caren Miosga is valued as a TV personality on ARD Photo: dpa/picture-alliance

By Tanya May

“Tagesthemen” presenter Caren Miosga (54) will be the new host of the ARD Sunday evening program from January 2024. Will retires at the end of 2023 after 16 years. She wants to have salon talks with personalities on a theater stage.

The NDR as the responsible broadcaster has already committed itself to Miosga, as initially reported by BILD. The ARD management committee wants to decide on the new personnel and officially announce it by June at the latest.

Miosga is succeeding Anne Will for the second time in her career. On July 16, 2007, she took over the moderation of the ARD “Tagesthemen” from her. She has been the longest-serving speaker there since September 20, 2022.

The Catholic (married, two daughters) has a wide range of life and professional experience. In her youth she sang in the hit band “Kurt und die Dillenberger”, later studied history and Slavic studies and worked as a tour guide in Russia at the same time. She began her journalistic career on the radio and has been presenting for television at NDR since 1999.

With the decision, Ingo Zamperoni (49), who was also traded as Will’s successor, is out of the race.

However, since he is still valued by those responsible, ARD should continue to plan with him.


Anne Will Caren Miosga Topics of the Day
