Caregiver? You can do this to relieve yourself

Umbrella organization MantelzorgNL sees an alarming trend: informal carers are coming under increasing pressure. According to Yvonne de Jong, expert informal care, it is important that informal caregivers take a breather every now and then and make use of so-called respite care. “As a caregiver, it is important that you also keep your own life in balance.”

NH News / Madelon Spierenburg

One in four informal carers combines work with informal care, says Yvonne de Jong. “Many carers are therefore in a dilemma. It is extremely important that they take sufficient breathing space and use initiatives to temporarily relieve them.” However, by no means all informal carers make use of this so-called respite care.


In principle, the provision of informal care is voluntary. However, there are certain fees. That’s how it is personal budget (pgb) are often used to pay relatives who provide care.

Do you want to know what else you can do to relieve yourself? Check out this one infographic Respite care

They cannot be blamed, says De Jong. Not only is it difficult for the carer to temporarily let go of care, they also often do not know that they are carers and therefore do not know what they can all use. For example, because they are the parent of a disabled child and see the care as part of the daily care.

“It concerns small, non-committal jobs, but it can relieve the caregiver just a little”

Spokesperson, BUUV

There are various initiatives in Noord-Holland to temporarily relieve the informal carer. For example, informal carers from Haarlem, IJmond, Amsterdam South and Heerhugowaard have the opportunity to submit a care request via the local platforms of BUUV.

For example, they can ask neighbors to help with getting groceries, explains a spokesperson for BUUV. “It concerns small, non-committal chores, but it can relieve the caregiver just a little.”

Aid providers

Tandem in Haarlem also attaches great importance to support for informal carers. For example, consultants try to support the carers in Bloemendaal, Haarlem, Heemstede and Zandvoort as best as possible. Including through training and workshops.

They also come to the aid of carers in Muiden. There, Marjolijn Bruuns, Magreet van der Voort and Claudia Otten started the special foundation Mantelzorgelijk, a platform for and by carers.

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And the municipalities of Zaanstad, Wormerland and Oostzaan, in collaboration with De Zorgcircle and the Zilveren Kruis, ensured the realization of Het Buitenhuis. This offers alternative care for loved ones, through professional overnight care and day packages, for people with a chronic illness or disability.

According to De Jong, it is important for the right care to be given that the informal caregiver also keeps his own life in balance and makes regular use of respite care. The professional care provider, who is involved in any way in the care of the person in need of care, must also be alert to this and point this out to the informal carer.

“Informal carers have to make time for themselves. For example, to go to the hairdresser and change their minds for a while.” Care always goes on. Not only in physical form, but also in the head, emphasizes De Jong. “But it’s just like on an airplane. You have to put on the oxygen mask yourself before you worry about someone else. Then you get the best care.”

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