Career tips from Bill Gates: For more success in life and at work

Whether book recommendations or tips for more success in life, Bill Gates has a possible approach for many life situations to move forward and be successful. These seem to have worked, at least for him, because the business magazine “Forbes” estimates Bill Gates’ fortune at around 120 billion US dollars. That puts him fourth among the richest people in the world.

These books are highly prized by the billionaire

Anyone currently looking for a new book recommendation can take a look at the Microsoft founder’s YouTube channel. In addition to collaborations with Warren Buffett or insights into his everyday life, there are also various videos in which he recommends books to his viewers that inspired him or that he simply liked. In 2014, Bill Gates pitched his favorite business book: Business Adventures: Twelve Educational Stories from the World of Wall Street by John Broks. According to his own statement in a post on “”, this is still the best business book he has ever read. Another business book that Bill Gates highly recommends is “The Ride of a Lifetime” by Robert Iger, which he included in his book recommendation for summer 2020, but also in an extra post on his own website Introducing

Learn to say no

In the course of his career, Bill Gates has given various pieces of advice in interviews, guest appearances or blog entries that should lead to more success in life and in career. Among other things, a tip that Bill Gates is said to have received from Warren Buffett, according to the US magazine “”: “Knowing when and how to say ‘no’ to projects, invitations and other requests creates the necessary freedom to concentrate on the really important things”. Therefore, according to Bill Gates, citing the magazine, the ability to say ‘no’ is of fundamental importance. In addition, Bill Gates advises to always be open to criticism. From this one can learn how to improve exactly those areas where there is the most urgent need for action.

What is to be achieved and how

At a graduation ceremony at Stanford University, Bill Gates encouraged more optimism: “Optimism is often dismissed as false hope. But there is also false hopelessness.” This is an extremely important factor for entrepreneurial success. In addition, it is extremely important for the achievement of a goal how the goal is to be achieved. In a CNBC report, he said that while it’s good to have an ambitious goal, it’s important to know how to measure progress and what steps are needed to reach the goal. “You have to have a specific goal and you have to know how you want to get there,” Bill Gates told CNBC. Even setbacks and failures should not let you deviate from pursuing the goal you have set. After all, it’s the failures that are most likely to get you ahead and give you the opportunity to grow, according to Bill Gates, citing the magazine “”.

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Image sources: JStone /, Chesnot/Getty Images
