Career switch: from the kitchen to the metal factory | 1Limburg

The technology sector is still struggling with a serious shortage of professionals. That is why more and more personnel are being recruited from other sectors through various channels.

One of those initiatives is the Limburg Technology Coalition, which started in 2019. Education, companies and the province work together in this initiative. The organization aims to recruit new people from other sectors for technology. In this way, two hundred so-called ‘lateral entrants’ have already been helped to find work.

Not to school
“We start a conversation, see what they want and place the people in a suitable company. They are also trained there immediately. That way they don’t have to go back to school,” says Marjon Hovens. She is a labor market coach and involved in this project. “If people are really not suitable, we notice it quickly. And once they are placed in a company, it usually goes well. Only a few have made a different choice later on.”

catering industry
One of the employees who made the switch to technology a while ago is Dwayne Huizing from Gronsveld. He now works at a metal worker in Stein, but was still in the catering industry last year. “I was a bit tired of the kitchen; little free time and always work in the evenings. Years ago I was already in doubt between catering and technology, so I have now made this step.”

Little sense
He saw an advertisement, came into contact with the initiative and has been working at the new company for a few months now. “I get paid immediately and learn everything in practice, as it were. Because to go back to school and do an education, I didn’t feel like that anymore,” says 27-year-old Dwayne.

New initiatives
Employer Sjef Debets also thinks this is a good way to recruit new staff. “Because all companies in the sector face the same problem: you just can’t find anyone. So initiatives like this are needed to get people who might like it, but otherwise wouldn’t have chosen it.”

According to Debets, there is always the risk that someone will leave after a few months or will not be suitable for the job. “But you also have that with young people who have just finished their training. Because technology is very broad and you just have to like it.”
