Care inspection after nursing home murders: “Safety of residents of the Oostrozebeke hospital in danger” | Oostrozebeke

The Care Inspectorate is seriously concerned about the fate of the 76 residents in the rest home in Oostrozebeke. When she invaded there on Thursday last week, she identified as many as 19 shortages. This is apparent from a letter from the Agency for Care and Health that the research unit of HLN and VTM News was able to view. For example, it was again possible to establish that the administration of insulin is not consistently registered. According to the inspectorate, the safety of the residents is at risk. In the meantime, the question arises whether the municipality of Oostrozebeke deliberately lied about the results of the inspection.

Jonas Muylaert, Evi De Witte

13-09-22, 19:00

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