Cardinal-Zhang, a meeting on the Milan and Inter stadium on the agenda

This is confirmed by the words of the AC Milan president Scaroni. At the moment, however, there is no imminent arrival in Milan of the number one of RedBird. Among the decisions to be made at the Rossoneri, there is also the Gazidis contract: will he remain even after November?

The meeting will take place, but it is not yet clear when. Gerry Cardinale, RedBird number one who is about to complete the closing and acquire AC Milan, has a meeting with Inter president Steven Zhang on the topic of stadium. This was confirmed by the Rossoneri president Paolo Scaroni, speaking at “La Politica nel Pallone” on Gr Parliament. “For the Sesto hypothesis, it is necessary to seek confirmation in Inter’s will both in the meeting that we have foreseen between Gerry Cardinale and Steven Zhang, who have not yet seen each other – Scaroni’s words -. On that occasion we will explore the desire of shareholders to develop this scenario “. Zhang remained in Milan after the end of the championship, while Cardinale is expected in the city in the coming days. Not very soon, however, according to what filters from the Rossoneri environment.

San Siro

Milan and Inter had already shared the Popoulus-branded project on the construction of a new facility in the San Siro area, but the slowness of the bureaucratic machine had led the club in via Aldo Rossi to turn to other possibilities, such as that of Sesto San Giovanni (important , in this sense, will be the outcome of the ballot for the mayor’s chair between Di Stefano, in favor of the construction of the stadium, and his rival Foggetta). Meanwhile, as reported by the Corriere di Milano, by the end of this week the representatives of Milan and Inter will meet with the coordinator of the public debate for the San Siro project, Andrea Pillon: a small step forward to understand the timing of the redevelopment project of the area where the old Meazza stands. The news regarding the rent of the San Siro were less positive for the Rossoneri and the Nerazzurri. The two clubs should have given the Municipality of Milan 9 million and 400 thousand euros for both the 2019-20 and 2020-21 seasons. Due to the pandemic, Palazzo Marino had granted a rent reduction: 7 million and 200 thousand euros for the 2019-20 season and 7 million and 500 thousand for 2020-21. The Municipality of Milan has now reduced the discount provided for the 2020-21 season to only 200 thousand euros (initially a discount of one million and 900 thousand was provided). Milan and Inter then asked for a meeting with Palazzo Marino to understand the criteria with which the calculations were made.


In all this, the stadium represents only one of the hot spots in the Milan agenda, which is already very full between closing, renewals of the contracts of the director Maldini and the director of Massara and the transfer market. The future of the current to Ivan Gazidis is also to be defined: “We can count on him until the expiry of the contract, or rather until the end of November”, Scaroni’s words on the subject. And what will happen next? The continuation of the relationship between Gazidis and Milan is not at all obvious, at least according to the current situation.
