Carbide stunners go for Dutch title in Tiendeveen

Think of it as a mix of korfball, darts and a New Year’s Eve tradition. It is not a rocket throwing game and it is not an oil ball sport either. It’s carbide darts.

The Dutch championship is this afternoon in Tiendeveen. For the twelfth time. Robert Mulderij, on behalf of the organization: “Last year it was the first time since corona. Then the weather was a little nicer, but much colder than now.” It is drizzling from the gray sky all day long on the sports field in Tiendeveen.

29 teams are lined up around a football field, with balls, old milk cans and gas burners. The goal sounds simple. Land the ball as close to the center spot as possible. There is a korfball pole ready there. And around it are signs with a number on them. The closer the ball lands to the center spot, the more points a team gets.
