Carapaz, training with Bernal in view of the Giro d’Italia

The kings 2019 and 2021 together with Montecarlo. Girmay renews with Intermarché until 2026, UAE-Emirates all for Almeida

Carapaz-Bernal, contact. The Ecuadorian and the Colombian reunited after the terrible training accident of Egan in Colombia at the end of January. Richard and Egan, now team mates at Ineos-Grenadiers, met in Monte Carlo and today they trained together: Bernal won the Giro 2021 and Carapaz will face the 105th edition of the pink race, which starts on Friday from Budapest, with the goal to win it after the 2019 triumph (in Movistar jersey). Meanwhile, still in view of the Giro, it should be noted that the Eritrean Biniam Girmay, the first African winner of a classic at Ghent-Wevelgem, has renewed with the Intermaché until 2026. Finally, the official selection of the UAE-Emirates for the pink race : the Portuguese Almeida captain, together with him Formolo, Ulissi, Covi, Rui Costa, Gaviria, Richeze and Oliveira.
