Car rolls over – four young men in danger!

A police vehicle (symbol photo)

A police car indicates: “Accident” (symbol photo) Photo: picture alliance / photo booth

From BZ/dpa

Serious accident in the district of Ostprignitz-Ruppin! Four young men were seriously injured and their lives are in danger.

According to the police, the 19-year-old driver was driving on Segeletzer Straße in the Wusterhausen/Dosse community on Sunday morning when he left the road for reasons that have not yet been clarified and the car overturned.

In addition to the driver, the car was occupied by four other young men between the ages of 16 and 19. As a result of the rollover, four of the occupants were seriously injured – one slightly.

A rescue helicopter took the four seriously injured to a hospital. According to the police, their lives are in danger. How the accident happened is still unclear at this time. The police are investigating.


Brandenburg police rescue helicopter traffic accident
