Car incentives 2022, funds decrease: they are 700 million

The publication of the Energy decree in the Official Gazette finances the purchase concessions with 700 million instead of the 800 foreseen: within 30 days the arrival of the executive regulation and the choice to facilitate only electric or even hybrid cars

The 2022 car incentives game is still open, now many days after the press conference on 18 February in which the government presented the measure as part of the Energy decree no. 17, published however only on 1 March in the Official Gazette. From here comes the first surprise, that is, those 700 million euros available for 2022 which have decreased compared to the 800 announced. Parliamentary sources report a rather tight negotiation that saw the Energy decree suffer precisely from the further increase in those gas and oil prices that the law tended to compensate, thus eroding the margins of interventions intended instead for the automotive world on the total of 7, 74 billion allocated. With the date of March 1 and the publication in the Official Gazette, the real discussion on the new car incentives starts, which will be concretely governed by a further ministerial decree that must be launched no later than March 31. Above all, it will have to be shared by as many as three ministries, namely Economic Development, Ecological Transition and infrastructures, adding further space to the negotiations, which are also affected by the measures already envisaged by the Energy decree in favor of road transport. A reduction of motorway tolls for a total of 20 million euros and a contribution of 29 million in the form of a tax credit for the purchase of the AdBlue component necessary for the catalytic converter systems, in addition to support the purchase of gas vehicles, with a total investment of 25 million euros.

the timing of decisions

Blind date – As known and as announced on February 18 by the owner of the Ministry of Economic Development Giancarlo Giorgetti, the initiative in favor of the automotive sector consists of two distinct measures, incentives for the purchase of ecological cars and support for industrial supply chain in the direction of personnel retraining and the conversion of production processes, to be adapted to the new framework of ecological transition technologies. Basically, two opposing forces that may also have to take into account the additional costs deriving from social safety nets and forms of extraordinary layoffs. With a sum of 700 million for the current year instead of the expected 800, the cover seems even shorter if possible. The Government’s objective, put in black and white in the decree published in the Gazzetta, remains that of guaranteeing coverage of 1 billion euros per year from 2023 to 2030, but the more delicate question now arises on the table, already in its own way. anticipated by Minister Giorgetti in the press conference on 18 February last. In essence, the executive is awaiting the choice on the destination of the incentives, that is, whether they are directed only to electric cars or even to hybrid ones, rechargeable or not, as indicated by Giorgetti himself. Consequently, we will have to wait until March 31 to find out if the subsidy scheme calculated on the basis of CO2 emissions will be confirmed through a double band: between 0 and 20 g / km (electric cars) and between 21 and 60 g / km (hybrid plug-in), then flanked by the second group of cars benefited with emissions between 61-135 g / km, or the full and mild hybrids.
