Car hits two children on bicycles – both injured

The rescue service of the Berlin fire department (symbolic photo)

The rescue service of the Berlin fire department (symbolic photo) Photo: picture alliance/dpa

From BZ/dpa

Two children on bicycles were hit by a car and injured in the Blankenburg district of Berlin-Pankow on Friday morning.

As the police announced, a 59-year-old was driving her car on Brockenweg. At the intersection with Street 40, the driver coming from the right hit the two boys, ages 12 and 13, who, according to the police, drove into the intersection from the left without braking.

Both children fell off their bikes and the 13-year-old fell onto the hood of the car.

Rescue workers took the boys to a hospital. The 13-year-old suffered an injury to his leg and was picked up by his parents after outpatient treatment. The 12-year-old was admitted to hospital with a fractured femur.

According to police, the driver had the right of way at the intersection. The investigation is ongoing.


Berlin Fire Department Berlin Police Bicycle Accident Traffic Accident
