Car hits the water in Haarlem, bystanders rescue 75-year-old driver

At the Delftlaan (N208) in Haarlem this morning around 8.45 am, a 75-year-old Haarlemmer became unwell and drove his car into the water. Bystanders saw it happen and jumped into the water to save him.

The 75-year-old man went off the road, his car collided with a traffic counting device and drove into the water. “There were several people present who helped the driver onto dry land,” says a police spokesperson. “We are very happy that those people were so alert and helped. Very nice that that is happening.”

The spokesperson says that the Haarlemmer, as far as known, has not been injured. Divers from the fire department entered the water to make sure no one was left in the car. “They found mister’s glasses and house keys,” says a spokesperson for the security region. There was no one else in the car.

The police are not investigating the accident. The car is pulled out of the water, temporarily blocking one of the lanes.

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