Car driver doodgestoken bij grensovergang Hazeldonk | Buitenland

An Oost-European vehicle chauffeur is located on a parking lot near Hazeldonk in the Netherlands, not over the country.

The Dutch government reports that around 7.20 p.m. the gisterenavond a report inland waters over a conscious area in the middle of the park at the border crossing in Hazeldonk. Het slachtoffer was ongeveer tegenover de McDonald’s. The parking in Westie is on the E19-Autosnelweg the vanuit Antwerpen verdergaat towards Breda.

There are also auxiliary services, there is also a trauma helicopter, and the service is quick and easy. He has yet to be resuscitated, but that didn’t work.

He is still under suspicion. The Dutch policy has several teams on the ground and all the chauffeurs on the parking lot are standing there. Even automobile drivers who have access to the parking spaces are always on the road. In the meantime, the policy must be taken into account with the photo and the numeric number plate that is visible to the public. “Voor de zekerheid”, sounds from the ‘AD’. Also you can see the politics on camera.

Details about the identity of the slachtoffer received the politics not yet, omdat zijn nabestaanden still be informed.
