Car crashes into SUV during chase: 8 dead

The Honda Civic that caused the accident, which occurred in Texas, was carrying migrants from Mexico: while fleeing from the police it crashed into an SUV. No survivors

To the border between Texas and Mexico on November 8th around 6.30 am local time an accident occurred which caused 8 deaths: one of the investigators’ hypotheses is that the 21 year old driver, who was driving a Honda Civic on the US57 highway, was transporting migrants illegally when he realized he was being chased by the police. While overtaking near Batesville, the car crashed into a Chevrolet Equinoxa 4.60 m long SUV, causing the death of all the occupants of both vehicles.

the dynamics

According to police reconstructions and testimony, the Honda with 5 migrants on board plus the driver overtook an 18-wheeler truck in a no-overtaking zone, causing a head-on crash into the Chevy SUV occupied by a couple from Georgia, who it caught fire after the accident. Seven of the people involved died at the scene while an eighth died in hospital according to the Department of Public Safety. The highway was closed for several hours after the accident.
