Car company uses workshop as a dinner location for lonely people: ‘There are still a few places available’

An evening full of entertainment and good food in a Christmas atmosphere: that’s on the program in the workshop of Auto(service) company Kuipers. Intended for people who are struggling financially or are lonely. The three-course festive dinner is fully provided by the entrepreneurs of the Zoetermeer market.

Entrepreneurial couple Melvin and Wendy Kuipers had been thinking about doing something for charity for some time. “We want to bring a little warmth and coziness to the dark month of December,” says Wendy.

New premises provided space for a festive dinner

With the arrival of a new building, there was suddenly room to furnish a party location. The workshop will be attractively decorated for people who have been invited to the festive dinner via the Food Bank. “There are still some places available for Zoetermeer residents who are struggling socially or financially. We focus on the elderly, but also on people of other ages,” explains Wendy. “Loneliness among young people is also increasingly common. In addition to this dinner, we also want to organize activities for this target group at other times of the year in the future.”

Melvin and Wendy Kuipers (right) and employees of Auto(service)bedrijf Kuipers in the workshop. Photo: Cooper

Tour of the market

During her weekly tour of the market in Rokkeveen, Wendy got into conversation with market manager Sandra Korver and market manager Rob Hofschreuder. “They both had been walking around with the idea of ​​organizing something for the elderly for some time.” Rob and Sandra sounded out the entrepreneurs on the three Zoetermeer markets whether they were up for a collaboration. The result is that all market entrepreneurs participate in the luxury dinner on 9 December. “The nice thing is that a number of Zoetermeer companies liked our initiative so much that they made a donation. Both in the form of money and pastries, coffee and hot chocolate.”

Do you know someone?

Do you know someone who is struggling socially or financially and could use a pleasant evening? Please contact Wendy Kuipers at [email protected] and who knows, that person will receive an invitation.

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