Car collides with tree, driver seriously injured to hospital

A 19-year-old motorist from Luyksgestel was seriously injured in an accident on Heijerstraat in Westerhoven on Saturday night. For unknown reasons, the driver lost control of his car, grazed a tree and came to a stop against another tree.

It took emergency services more than an hour to free the victim from the wreckage. Given the seriousness of the accident, a trauma doctor was also called. Under medical supervision of the doctor, the victim was taken to a hospital in Tilburg.

The road has been closed for forensics.

Photo: Rico Vogels/SQ Vision
Photo: Rico Vogels/SQ Vision

Photo: Rico Vogels/SQ Vision
Photo: Rico Vogels/SQ Vision

Photo: Rico Vogels/SQ Vision
Photo: Rico Vogels/SQ Vision
